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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  March 5, 2013 12:00pm-12:59pm PST

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[ ding dong ] 20% off teleflora... oh... save on roadside assistance from allstate! discounts from enterprise, avis and hertz! [ male announcer ] aarp has great deals at popcorn? [ male announcer ] find offers from regal cinemas, walgreens and kellogg's. they're great! [ male announcer ] and on exciting entertainment! [ taxi whistle ] c'mon guys, the millers just got their cards, too! [ male announcer ] check out the possibilities. a man from germany all smiles after cardinal crashing at the vatican. the man on the leftes not a cardinal. he fooled the swiss guard and nearly got into a meeting with cardinals. he was busted bus his his purple
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sash was a scarf. and then he was out of there. >> shepard: hey haven't caught phil keeting yet. >> my understanding is he is there for the meeting. >> that's a job from the beginning of the show. >> shepard: i wasn't walking. if they tell you everything is awful, tell them, no, it's not. not everything is awful. rejoice, america. the dow hit a historic high. hope you road this train. shattered previous trading record, on track for the highest close we have seen. we'll be watching. jerry willis has context. it is winter, so another snowstorm pounding chicago and
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the midwest, and this could be in biggest yet. not everything is awful, but thousands of flights are cancelled, hundreds already cancelled tomorrow. and a pilot coming in for landing when he spots something he says looked like a drone, hovering very close to his jet. hmm. the latest on today's investigations all ahead, unless breaking news changes everything. on "studio b." >> first, from fox at 3:00, record day on the street. the dow soaring well above 14,200, shattering the previous all-time high. and with one hour to go until the bell rings on the corner of wail and broad the dow is on track for a record high close. unless they screw it up. the last time the dow was this time, apple just sold its first iphone and george w. bush had
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another year as president. the dow is up 856. we're well ahead of the highest close. that happened in october of '07 of. and while our 401ks are getting a boost, consider the economy is in a very different place in october of '07, unemployment rate was 4's 7. now it's 7.9%. that number is down. jerry willis is here from the fox business network with a reminder that if they tell you everything is awful, -- >> this is good news. >> shepard: it's not awful. it's my brother's 45th 45th birthday, the children are there, they gave him cupcakes. the dow is soaring, it's a beautiful day. >> spring is coming. >> from your mouth to god's ears.
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this is good news if you're saving. i'm worried people out there have not invested in that. that it my biggest concern. today we had a report on services companies, growing the fastest rate in the year, hooray. housing prices up 9.7%. almost 10%, their very good. now, the naysayers say the reserve is making the rally good because people need a place to invest when there's no interest rates to be had, whether you're buying cds or put -- >> shepard: so works for now. >> the question is, and the smart people on wall street, the economists, the people who study this, the smart people, they say, watch out. nice think it is not sustainable. i'm just telling you the truth. >> shepard: all right. but all the signs there are. not all of them but a lot of them. we can't every everything. >> unemployment, my love. >> shepard: it's bad because big corporations are making record
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profits and figured out how to do it without people. >> they're doing it overseases and their stock prices are going up. >> shepard: they're doing great. the ceos are having a whale of the time. >> the big picture here is the federal reserve has been pumping the economy full of liquidity. the big question what happens when that stops. we have to wait and see and there's a disconnect. you described it perfectly, disconnect between main street and wall street. wall street going to down. ceo salaries, bonus, perks, going up, up, up, and we're not seeing -- i just saw a poll on what people think about the economy. they think we're in recession. >> shepard: who does? >> regular americans. >> shepard: a lot of them seem to think the deficit i rising. it is not. it's shrinking. >> $15 trillion. >> shepard: i know it's bad but when you don't spend when things aren't going great. >> markets are coming back. that's the good news here. let's hope hop stays on track.
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>> shepard: hope is our strategy. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> shepard: the midwest going 33-as major winter storm. the third in a row, tears across the nation's mid-section, it's affecting millions of your neighbors. some meteorologists called it the big egg i wouldspread storm of the winter. wow. chicago could get a foot. most folks have been two years without i. the two major airports cancelled nearly a thousand flights. the ripple effect is hitting fliers across the country. the full brunt of the storm could hit the mid-atlantic, including the nation's capitol. but the snow will melt. right now it's in washington. look at tomorrow. who is this? look at mike tobin. just sitting in the snow. can you do that for the whole hour for us? >> sure, shep.
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it's coming down heavy right now, and starting to stick on the road. when you talk about that ripple effect? let's look at video from o'hare airport right now, where 900 flights are cancel. at mid-way airport. all of the southwest flights cancelled, that's another 250 flights, and that's the ripple effect, effects everybody all over the country in minnesota they're expecting a total of 19 inches. what they have already got, 122 car wrecks. in wisconsin, a semi tractor slipped off the road, went interest the river. the trevor's body has been recovered. you talked about near chicago, they're expecting upwards of a foot of snow. wet, heavy snow. the city has 300 snow plows at work. the state has 360. they have been staying ahead. the reeds are clear right now but we're gifting to the point where the snow is coming down so aggressively they anticipate they'll lose the battle with the snow. and the problem with that is
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everybody who made it to work on clear roads will have stuck roads, and cars will be getting stuck on their way home. >> shepard: why are they calling this a dangerous heart attack snow what's this business? reporter: it's this wet, heavy snow. stuff is really good for making snowmen, it's warm, heavy when you shovel it so people who haven't been physical all year long, pick up a snow shovel, working hard, they have hard time with and it that's when people have heart attacks. the snow plows like this stuff because it comes off in one swipe. but cars have a hard time in this kind of snow. they get stuck. >> shepard: this is miserable. there's snow dripping off the end of your nose, got be uncomfortable. reporter: you know, i got a nice pair of pants. >> shepard: is he going to freeze to death out there? your nose isn't dripping, you seem high and dry.
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>> i'm very thankful to be in the studio. here in the northeast we could see some of this snow thursday into friday so day tuned. right now the worst of the snow is coming down across the upper midwest. minneapolis should be out of here in the next couple of hours, chicago, you're going to see the heavy snow flying for the next 12 hours, and then off the atlantic. we're seeing all snow across the great lakes and the midwest, turns champaign and ft. wayne. south of that, chilly rain is falling across the mid-south, and the potential for severe weather. we could see the potential for hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadod. that's another part of the storm. by wednesday, just coming offshore, we think west of d.c., that's where the jackpot will be. upwards of 18 inches round the d.c. yeah, which is quite a blockbuster considering they haven't seen this snow a couple
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years. thursday and friday, we have a blocking high pressure across eastern canada, actually going to backtrack this storm in towards the coast, possibly, and that could give us a snowy day for not only d.c., up towards philly and new york, heading would into wednesday, thursday, friday, as the coastal low lingers, not only are we going to see the potential for several inches of plowable snow, but winds. because we have high pressure to the north of us, low pressure offshore, the pressure gradient will give is wind gusts in excess of 15 miles-per-hour in some cases. that could cause power outages, coastal flooding and a storm surge. here's an aggressive commuter model. six to 12 across the ohio valley. there's the bull's eye. but look at philadelphia and new york. six to 12 inches? i don't think so. but three to six is definitely a possibility all the way up to boston. we'll be talking about this well
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into friday. so it's the glass half full. >> shepard: we haven't had much snow this season here in tiny town. >> new york city has been sideswiped. boston has taken a toll. >> shepard: they deserve it. >> that's your words. >> shepard: it's the truth. we're expecting a senate committee to vote this afternoon on president obama's pick to head up the cia, john brennan. that's going to be smooth as silk. here's a look outside a closed door meeting. i wonder if they do anything when the doors are closed. it's believed the vote will pass there and then move on to the full senate. two g.o.p. lawmake issues said they'll work to block the nomination unless and until the white house releases details on, altogether now, how it handled last year's consulate attack in benghazi. last month, brennan faced tough questions about the administration's drone policy and his views on enhanced
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interrogations -- read
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>> john brennan's nomination ought to be considered on his qualification-not disputes about an issue that did not involve john brennan's nomination to be the cia director.
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>> whether the in documents will satisfy the senators, who said they'll they will not vote for brennan until the quit answers to questions. we have had one of the biggest document dumps from the white house in the last 4 hours and that's not a coincidence. this is clearly an effort to move along the brennan nomination and get it to the full senate floor. >> shepard: thank you. >> seems the tv survival show may have saved a teenaged boys life. that's what rescuers are saying after they found a skier who had been lost for days in the snow. we'll talk with one of the rescuers. remember how kim the younger told his new best friend, dennis rodman, i don't want to do war? that was a couple of days ago. and he's not saying that anymore. [ male announcer ] this is george.
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the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪
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>> shepard: the tv your watching can save your life. not sure how much help this program would be but there's a
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17-year-old skier who says he likes to watch survival shows on tv and that may be part of the reason he is alive today himself name is nicholas joy. here's the photo. he disappeared on sunday as a popular ski resort in maine. searchers found him safe and sound a few hours ago help said when he realized he was lost he built a small snow cave for shelter and he learned that from here inside your television box. sugar loaf general manager says nicholas extently wandered off the trail. dozens of people searched for him, including navy seals and border patrol personnel. the guy who found them was not part of the search party. that man is joseph paul, vice-president firefighter -- volunteer firefighter who heard about the missing team and went out on his snowmobile and found him. >> what do you mean you thought,
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i'll look for the guy and then you found him. that doesn't happen. >> i've been involved in several search and rescues, in my local department, and i just was up here and i knew the area where he was real well, so i thought, well, i got on my snowmobile, i'm going for a ride anyway, see if i can help out. >> shepard: when you found him, what was his situation? >> he was on the snowmobile trail. he waved me down, and i knew it was him right away because not too many people go hiking in ski boots. >> shepard: that's the truth. go on. >> so i stopped and asked him who he was, you know, and how he what doing. and i said you know, there's lot of people looking for you. >> shepard: i'm guessing he might have been aware of that. been missing for days.
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i fund the built a decent snow cave. what did you think of his homestead? >> i didn't see it. he told me about it. he said he saw it on survival, so he took a bunch of hemlock branches and made himself a shelter to get out of the weather and stayed down by a stream, and so he had water to drink. shepship i guess there'd been a wicked storm there for a day or two? >> there was about four inches of snow up there, fresh snow. >> shepard: just couldn't figure his way out? >> he said he heard snowmobiles yesterday but because he was in a -- in between two mountains there, the sound echoed. so, he wasn't real sure where the sound was coming from. this morning i guess followed some snow shoes where search and rescue people went looking for him yesterday. >> shepard: there's another big storm on the way. you deserve an award.
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i don't have anything except this pen that somebody stole from a renaissance hotel. i'm guessing you got a nice thank you out of the deal. >> yes, i did. having him back with his family, that's the important thing. >> shepard: you have accomplished more in the last day than i have in years so congratulations on behalf of your fellow man. thank you. >> thank you. >> shepard: that's cool. enemies of hugo chavez attacked him with cancers elm that's what venezuelan officials are saying. enemies of hugo chavez attacked him with cancer. he has had a bad turn for the worse. coming up, why they're booting an american official from their country. chavez is in trouble. the american has been kicked out. somebody sicced cancer on him. welcome to venezuela.
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>> shepard: 24 minutes past the hour. the united states gave the venezuelan president hugo chavez cancer. that's the official word from the venezuelan vice-president today. the vp called chavez's illness an attack and the result of conspiracies against chavez through his 14-year rule. you think we have problems? government officials today said chavez, the man who once called president george w. bush the devil, is suffering from a severe and new infection, they tell us, they call his condition very delicate, which means nothing. chavez reportedly underwent surgery for an undisclosed type of cancer. he heat not spoken in public sense then as we now. state tv reports his in the infection is respiratory. we can't confirm that. and the government officials
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said chavez was, quote, standing by christ and life. unquote. >> steve harry began -- is in our florida news studio. >> it is certainly a bizarre day for venezuela-u.s. relationships. venezuela has expelled a u.s. military attach shay, accusing him of espionage so in the same moment venezuela's vice-president and chavez's hand-picked successor says someone, our enemies, have infected hugo chavez with cancer help expels one u.s. attache as an enemy. he is making the implication that the washington is behind hugo chavez's cancer. we have confirmation from the defense department that an attache has been expelled.
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>> shepard: washington can't get bias thick things done and they think we gave him cancer in it's cross. what does this sigh about the next potential leader. >> it will be disappoint took officials in washington who monitor venezuela and hoped for a change from chavez. this is maduros first time on the stage. he is a high school graduate, one-time bus driver and he is the man chavez hand-picked to lead the nation with the largest oil reserve, and he said we're going to have a scientific commission to figure out who gave hugo chavez cancer, and implying it was the u.s. certainly he is showing if he does indeed take control he will rule by cop spiers, fear, and rabid antiamericannism. >> shepard: is it my turn? steve, that's great news. thanks so much.
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>> shepard: ever have one of those days? we sic cancer on people now. we can't even pass a budget. >> a pilot -- then they're this. unidentified flying objects in new york. he thinks it was a drone hovering over one of the world's wassess airports. drones don belong there reaction from the fbi which is investigating, next. and his father and brother have already held the most powerful office in all the land. what's up with the governor, jeb bush, and what is he saying about a possible white house round? and what is the position on immigration again? there's been a lot of them in the last couple of days. ÷÷
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use promo code: gethelp. plus get this document shredder free-- but only if you act right now. call the number on your screen now! >> shepard: i'm shepard smith. this is "studio b" april. the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. something or other up in the skies above jfk. a drone, says a pilot, at one of the busiest airports at -- in te world. he says he spotted the thing a couple hundred feet from his jumbo jet as he was about to land at jfk here. he told air traffic controllers he was 1500 feet off the ground when, quote, we saw a drone aircraft. his jet landed safely but the feds are now investigating. experts say it's possible it was in fact a drone they say it could also have been some kid flying a toy. so it's the top story on the
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bottom of the hour. rick is live in the newsroom. i guess the feds are all over this one, rick. >> shepard, even a toy can do great damage to a commercial aircraft. that's why the fbi is asking the public's assistance in identifying and locating the unmanned aircraft it's operator. the pilot on final approach to runway 31 right sees what he describes as a black drone unmanned aircraft, three feet wide, four prop elers, hovering two or three feet from the jet. he landed safely but the fbi wants to fine the drone pilot. there's an old airfield very close to jfk where hobbiess fly remote control aircraft but not supposed to go've 400 feet. if you have money, you can be a drone pilot. the devices range from a few
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hundred bucks to ten grand or more, and one famous owner, he posted video of his s800, a fixed rotorcraft similar to the one described by the pilot. can be equipped with gps-auto pilot, radio tax mitters, can fly up to a mile high and can be remotely programmed to a specific way point at a specific speed where it can hover for a set time and return. it's legal to own and operate but there are faa restrictions but written in 1981. they well have to be we written because technology moving to fast, anthony says he was not piloting the drone that caused the trouble. >> shepard: i wonder how long it is were a seventh grader can fly a drone into parents' house and kill them all. >> come on. >> shepard: thankfully yours are old are than that now.
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former fa official scott japanese us know. you know, news from the future, drones are trouble. >> well, i mean issue think for every good use you can find -- there are lots of good use for drones -- you're going to have to have some restrictions, like where you have the knucklehead flying his next to a fully loaded air kraft. >> shepard: drones are great when you're the only one who has them. how are we going to feel when chavez tries to get back at us for giving him cancer? we need a set of rules. there are no rules. why? >> it is a relatively new technology when it comes to the faa. the faa is going to try to incorporate drones into the u.s. air space, and we have a very safe air space now. a lot of aircraft flying around all the time, and now you want to introduce a new independent controlled by people who may not have the same type of skills as
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a normal commercial airline pilot. >> shepard: may lot? i crashed my drone in the pool in the first five minutes but not before i sent it up to where it could have caused somebody headed home from the hamptons all kinds of problem. >> then you have the issue of privacy. that's the biggest hurdle. >> shepard: there is no more privacy. >> well, you may have a point. that's the biggest hurdle to incorporate drones, to start seeing them more frequently. how do you get over the privacy issue? >> shepard: you have to paint your windows black and not let the sun to get your privacy. i haven't done it. i have already given up all privacy. but that's the only way. who was it who said we needed to put plastic on our window? homeland security secretary. remember that? >> i do. >> shepard: we've come a long way. scott, thank you. >> thanks, shep. >> shepard: we're hearing from a possible -- possible -- g.o.p.
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presidential contender, former florida governor jeb bush was in the house. he has come out with a new proposal on immigration. more than one, actually. governor bush now says he'll afreeze with allowing immigrants to become permanent citizens but not citizens. he citizen status holding a green card. the former governor's new book hit store shelves today, called "image wars" and he is among the featured speakers at the cpac next week. trace has more on this. i wonder, the jersey governor is all upset with him. chris christie didn't mind he wasn't invited. now we get some knowledge from governor bush down there. >> and critics are calling what he said about immigration a bold flip-flop, and jeb bush has certainly modified business position on immigration. he says he still favors a
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pathway to citizenship as long as it doesn't offer an incentive for other people to come here illegally. right now his pathway to citizenship is for up documented immigrants to go back to their open country and apply for citizenship. for those who choose to stay he supports giving them legal status just not the rights of citizens. >> they'll be given -- afforded the same rights, out from he shadows. the basic principle is in order to get comprehensive reform in order to persuade many conservative that are concerned about the lack of rule of law, this is a proposal that might find support. >> in report, the liberal group center for american progress, says, americans have always judged severely efforts to deny citizenship to classes of people. is this really the g.o.p.'s path out of the political wilderness? >> shepard: it's certainly a trial balloon for 2016. it's not a development it wasn't
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at blue jfk. >> jeb bush has said no before to presidential runs and this time he did not say no. his top the way he phrased the answer. >> this is way too early to be making those kind of decisions, and maybe it's a little odd that there would be three people from the same family being president out of 45 presidents. a little strange. i'm not going to shut the door completely, either. it's not -- i don't wake up each day fretting about it. >> how would he fare? according to bowls republican voters, pretty well. jeb bush is number three behind paul ryan and condoleezza rice with 47% of republican voters. when it comes to all voters, moves down to sixth position, way down there. and you saw the name at thele
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list, hillary clinton, can you imagine again, bush-clinton, 2016? >> shepard: i can almost see it in the future some. but lots of things can happen. got to get the drone problem solved and figure out what happens about giving chavez cancer,. >> shepard: thank you, trace. the woman who says she cannot remember stabbing her love 27 times but admits she did it, has taken weeks getting questioned by attorneys and now it's going to get more dramatic as the accused killer prepares to take questions from in the jurors themselves. this can only happen in arizona, but in arizona, they have a weird thing that happens in court. something for us all to enjoy. [ kate ] many women may not be absorbing the calcium they take
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as well as they could because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. my doctor recommends citracal maximum.
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it's all about absorption. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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>> shepard: just learned the u.s. senate intelligence committee has approved john
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brennan's nomination to the cia by a vote of 12-3. moments ago katherine, the terror pixie, was reporting on this matter. she said this would happen, and then it goes on to the full senate and then becomes more standard. washington will fight about it because nobody can come to any sort of agreement on anything the president wants, so expert fireworks and incendiary words and a process that guess on for a while before they actually do what we know they're going to do and that is install him. between now and then it wilt be full on washington. and urgent, just in. urgent, just in. there's been more evidence of a super bug. there's now more evidence that untreatable infections from a rare superbug are on the rise in u.s. hospitals. maybe this is what happened to chavez. jonathan is in atlanta, our bureau there the holm for the centers for disease control and prevention. so we're all going to die?
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>> no but the cdc says it would be prudent for hospitals and long-term care facilities facilo take precautions against coe, family of bacteria that has been developing resistance to antibiotics, including the last-resort treatments. according to cdc, half of all patients who get blood stream infections of cre die. for now, public health officials say the people getting infections are patients who are receiving complex or long-term medical care, mostly people who already have compromised immune systems. but this type of bacteria has a nasty property in which it can transfer its drug resays stance to other similar bacteria. the cdc is saying it's important for hospitals to take precautions to prevent this from spreading before it gets out eventually into the general community. so it's not something that is affecting the general public just yet. but the cdc saying it's time for
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hospitals and other medical providers to take precautions now to prevent its spread. >> shepard: jonathan, thank you. then there's north korea, who first said we don't want to war but now does of the north koreans are threatening to scrap the now 60-year-old crease fire that suspended the fighting in the korean war, which is not over. and north korea is warning of unspecified surgical strikes. that from the regime's state-run media, quoting a military spokesman of. no peace treaty ever officially ended the korean war. 28,000 u.s. troops are in south korea to help protect our ally, south korea, north korea's latest talks come as the new international push to slap it with economic sanctions after this its nuclear test, and also upset about joint american and south korean military operations, and all of this just dies after the former nba star,
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dennis rodman, hung out with kim jong-un and claimed kim is an awesome kid who does not want to war. rodman was was there for a basketball camp. and there's one more, and for that we turn to jonathan hunt at the united nations. looks like basketball diplomacy works as well as sanctions. now the united nations is hammering out a draft resolution to deal with north korea. >> cording to the u.s. ambassador to the u.n., this draft resolution would impose some of the toughest financial punishment ever handed don by the united nations. listen. >> for the first time ever, this resolution targets the elicit activities of north korean diplomatic personnel. north korean banking relationships. illicit transfers of bulk cash and new travel restrictions. >> what this draft resolution says immiss setly, rather than
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explicitly, is that north korean officials are taking advantage of diplomatic immunity to smuggle in and out of the country both nuclear technology and large amounts of cash, and the clear aim of this resolution is to put an end to that kind of illegal, under international law, activity. >> shepard: what about the threat to cancel the cease fire with the south koreans. >> got a pretty short and sharp response from the white house today. listen. >> the dpr wail achieve nothing about threats and will undermine international efforts to ensure peace and stability. we have encouraged the leadership to choose the path of peace and come into compliance with international o obligations. >> the security council meet hearing at the united nations has wrapped up for today.
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that draft resolution still being considered, but a vote is expected on it, shep, before the end of the week, and what is very important to note here is that china seems to be onboard with this resolution. that is an important step forward. and as far as we understand, shep, not one single member state is asking for a debriefing from dennis rodman before that vote. >> shepard: that's coming. jonathan hunt at the united nations. thanks, gord don shanks here. north korea takes on the world. china is all for it. that's no good unless china infors it. >> china has voted in fav of satisfactions and then ignored them. in your file footage there were mobile missile launchers. north korea good at them to because china sold them. a clear violation of security council resolution, and the united states did nothing about that. >> shepard: we talk about the north koreans are upset because we added sanctions after the nuclear test. talk about the north koreans are
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sun set because of joint military operations but history says there's more to this. >> history says the north koreans will commit provocation within months of the inauguration of the new president. he was inaugurated eight days ago so maybe the north koreans might follow through. that's what history says. >> shepard: do we have reason to worry kim jong-un is going to do something weird? >> we could because he hasn't consolidated control. the generals are still running free and he can't really control them so who knows what is going to happen inch these situations when a regime is in disarray the hardest line sets the tone. >> shepard: always good to hear from you. in the woman who admit shed brutally killed her ex-boyfriend and changed her story several times now, was back on the stand today for the 15th day, this poor jury. jodi arias on why she wished she could go back in time. are you watching the dow?
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we put it all over the screen for you. up 145 a second ago, and unless disaster happens in the last 20 minutes in this show -- you have seen many disasters in this program already, but unless something awful happens we'll break an all-time record. be with us. the champagne is going to fly, and everything is not horrible. i'm the world's worst cleaning lady. i'm here in your home, having a pretty spectacular tuesday. ♪ but i don't notice the loose rug at the top of your stairs. and that's about to become an issue for me. ♪ and if you got the wrong home insurance coverage, my medical bills could get expensive. so get allstate. [ dennis ] good hands. good home. make sure you have the right home protection. talk to an allstate agent.
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>> shepard: the woman on trial for killing her ex-boyfriend today testified about wanting to turn the clock. jodi ayear's attorney asked her about a journal entry.
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she said if she had made different decisions everybody would be in different places. a true statement. prosecutors say she planned to kill the boyfriend. jodi arias admitted, oh, yeah, killed women but -- killed him but i don't remember the stabbing. it was self-defense. now she wishes she could turn back the clock, yesterday we learned she still loves him. >> 15 days. i don't -- i can't draw an analogy how unorthodox that is. i've spoken to a dozen lawyers. no one has ever seen a witness on the stand for 15 days, let alone the defendant. this is either going to go down as the most brilliant trial strategy of all time, if she gets any kind of a positive verdict, or a rookie mistake it seems to be. i don't know -- the poor jurors. you sad that. you know how bored they are?
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how tired they are of hearing the minutiae over and over. >> shepard: i can't imagine. >> they stopped listening a week ago the prosecutor could have done his cross, effectively in one day. the first day he could have destroyed her. i it would have had such a tremendous impact. all they're doing is she is just trying to talk her way out of the death penalty, and now any understanding is in arizona, unlike in new york, the jury i allowed to submit questions. that's going to be very interesting. >> shepard: the judge vets them. can't open new doors. >> what are door hasn't been opened? >> shepard: a it's like the kitchen cabinets. >> how will the defense deal with the fact 25 caliber gun is storm from her grandmother's house and this guy had a 25 caliber bullet hole in his head. >> shepard: the neighbors hear the screaming before he, oh,
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it's an intruder, the girlfriend is asleep. maybe they just forget all that. >> self-defense is you have to talk about, i thought my life was over because of x, y, z, not because we had wild sex or things were crazy in the bedroom, and they have text messages see initiated. i can't wait to see what the jury has to say. i like the system that the jury gets to ask questions. it will be interesting. >> shepard: are you watching the dow? >> yes. >> shepard: it's still big. see if they can screw it up in three minutes. stand by. ♪ to tracking field conditions. ♪ wireless is limitless. [ female announcer ] from more efficient payments. ♪ to more efficient pick-ups. ♪ wiress is limitless.
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